Good News Stories
We would like to share KNGO's good news stories and the positive impact your support has on the local communities.
Ran Sarouery
Saroeury was born into a very poor family in Bospo Village. When work was available her father worked as a construction worker and her mother earned a small amount of money working in the KNGO Sewing Program.
Saroeury studied English at KNGO each evening after attending the government school during the day. In 2018 KNGO offered Saroeury a scholarship to train as a dental therapist at Cambodian World Family (CWF) in Phnom Penh. CWF is an NGO which provides free dental care to underprivileged children. After two years training as a dental therapist at CWF in the mornings. Saroeury was offered work in the afternoons by Dr Boran, a Cambodian dentist who volunteers at CWF. Key people at CWF recognised Saroeury as a stand out person who reached a very high level of competency in her training and strongly supported Saroeury’s interest in further study at university which would enable her to open her own clinic on completion of her studies. Saroeury will finish her university studies next year and will undergo training at a local dentist on how to manage and operate a successful clinic after which time she hopes to return to her village to open a clinic and help her local community.
KNGO in partnership with Project Vietnam Inc. has now sponsored seven young girls to CWF and those who have completed their training have been successful in obtaining employment. Three girls will finish their training at the end of December and will be given the opportunity to continue to university if they wish.
A team of dentists from Germany recently volunteered at CWF to assist with the girls’ training and to treat underprivileged children’s teeth.
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Saroeury was born into a very poor family in Bospo Village. When work was available her father worked as a construction worker and her mother earned a small amount of money working in the KNGO Sewing Program.
Saroeury studied English at KNGO each evening after attending the government school during the day. In 2018 KNGO offered Saroeury a scholarship to train as a dental therapist at Cambodian World Family (CWF) in Phnom Penh. CWF is an NGO which provides free dental care to underprivileged children. After two years training as a dental therapist at CWF in the mornings. Saroeury was offered work in the afternoons by Dr Boran, a Cambodian dentist who volunteers at CWF. Key people at CWF recognised Saroeury as a stand out person who reached a very high level of competency in her training and strongly supported Saroeury’s interest in further study at university which would enable her to open her own clinic on completion of her studies. Saroeury will finish her university studies next year and will undergo training at a local dentist on how to manage and operate a successful clinic after which time she hopes to return to her village to open a clinic and help her local community.
KNGO in partnership with Project Vietnam Inc. has now sponsored seven young girls to CWF and those who have completed their training have been successful in obtaining employment. Three girls will finish their training at the end of December and will be given the opportunity to continue to university if they wish.
A team of dentists from Germany recently volunteered at CWF to assist with the girls’ training and to treat underprivileged children’s teeth.
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Meng and Sam Art
Meng and Sam Art are orphans and are cared for by their 80 year old grandmother. Meng was 16 years of age and had never been to school. Through the KNGO Sponsorship Program Meng was provided with school uniforms and the required resources to enable her to commence her education at the government school. Because Meng had never received any education, she had to commence in Grade 1 but she worked very hard and was soon promoted to Grade 4. Meng and Sam Art live 7 kilometres from KNGO but she and her brother Sam Art have now been provided with bicycles through the sponsorship program and will commence supplementary Khmer literacy, maths and English classes when the new term starts in October this year.
There are now fourteen students in the Student Sponsorship Program which is enabling them to receive an education which would otherwise be unavailable to them.
The family was living in appalling conditions and their sponsor recently provided funding to build them a house.
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Meng and Sam Art are orphans and are cared for by their 80 year old grandmother. Meng was 16 years of age and had never been to school. Through the KNGO Sponsorship Program Meng was provided with school uniforms and the required resources to enable her to commence her education at the government school. Because Meng had never received any education, she had to commence in Grade 1 but she worked very hard and was soon promoted to Grade 4. Meng and Sam Art live 7 kilometres from KNGO but she and her brother Sam Art have now been provided with bicycles through the sponsorship program and will commence supplementary Khmer literacy, maths and English classes when the new term starts in October this year.
There are now fourteen students in the Student Sponsorship Program which is enabling them to receive an education which would otherwise be unavailable to them.
The family was living in appalling conditions and their sponsor recently provided funding to build them a house.
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